
Mhhh Yeah Yeah
There was a time, when you would call me up, and make me sit,
Through the night, and wait for you, because you needed it,
And I would stick around, to comfort you, and take your shit, But that all ends now.
I think you, should take all your stuff now, and go away, I
am sure, you'll find another girl, who wants to play,
All the fucked up games, that you have put me through, Boy that's over now.
Try to concede,
I want you to leave, (oh no no)
No more to say, just go away, (just go away)
Can't you see that I got nothing left for you? (oh, nothing left for you)
For all the pain, and the sleepless nights,
For all the tears, and all the endless fights,
For all the cheating, and all for all the times you, Used me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you. (oh)
For all the times, that you pissed me off, (you pissed me of)
For all the times, you weren't man enough,
For all the times, that you dissed me,yeah,
Forgot me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you. (so fuck you)
There was a time, when just a touch, from you would make me hot,
I would cry with you, and laugh with you, and loved you but,
Now I see, that it was wrong, to put my trust in you, (so it's over)
Try to concede, I want you to leave (oh yeah)
No more to say, just go away (just go away)
Can't you see, that I got nothing left for you? (oh, nothing left for you)
For all the pain, and the sleepless nights, (oh oh)
For all the tears, and all the endless fights, (your just not strong enough)
For all the cheating, and all for all the times you,
Used me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you.
For all the times, that you pissed me off,
For all the times, you weren't man enough,
For all the times, that you dissed me, yeah,
Forgot me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you. (so fuck you, oh, uh hey oh yeah)
For all the pain, and the sleepless nights,
For all the tears, and all the endless fights,
For all the cheating, and all for all the times you, (you did me wrong)
Used me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you.
For all the times, that you pissed me off, (oh,you pissed me of)
For all the times, you weren't man enough, (weren't man enough)
For all the times, that you dissed me, (yeah)
Forgot me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you.
Ohhhhhhh (so fuck you) All the sleepless nights.
Oh oh yeah yeah. For all the pain, and the sleepless nights, (you did me wrong)
For all the tears, and all the endless fights, (oh)
For all the cheating, and all for all the times you,
Used me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you.
For all the times, that you pissed me off, (you pissed me off)
For all the times, you weren't man enough, (weren't man enough)
For all the times, that you dissed me, (yeah)
Forgot me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you. (Fuck you)
Da, fuck you, pentru ca imi lipsesti de prea mult timp si mult prea tare!
E mai mult decat faptul ca toata vara ai fost o parte din mine si o parte din amintirile mele vor fi mereu legate de tine...DE TINE !
Nu vreau sa mai stiu de tine si sa te mai vad in lista de mess pentru ca ma doare faptul ca nici macar nu ma mai bagi in seama ..sau daca o faci..e in sila.
Tu nici nu stii in cate nopti nedormite am strans ura asta suprema pentru sentimentele mele pentru tine , ura pentru tine , dar nu te urasc....te iubesc.
Desi nu vreau , te iubesc. Si acum....
Cat de mult pot sa tin la tine de nu te-am uitat de atat de mult timp?????? enorm dupa cate se vede...
De ce? De ce mi-ai facut asta?? De ce ai venit in viata mea? De ce mi-ai luat fericirea si inima si le-ai pus intr-un sertar la care eu nu ajung? De ce mie? De ce mi-ai zis ca ma iubesti cand nici macar nu stii cat de mult a insemnat pentru mine sa te aud zicand asta? De ce nu realizezi ca inca te simt in mine si ca nu pot sa iti dau drumul? De ce ai plecat din viata mea fara sa imi spui ?De ce mi-ai dat sentimentul de siguranta in bratele tale? De ce nu mai pot sa imi scot din cap imaginea ta? De ce poza cu mine si cu tine in brate in fata apei ma bantuie ? De ce ai pus punct??
Inca mai simt bratul tau in jurul meu.Dar ce rost mai au toate astea?Ce rost au?
Urasc faptul ca mi se indeplinesc dorintele care ma ranesc.Am vrut sa ma uiti.Sa fi cu altcineva.Am crezut ca asa nu o sa mai sufar nici eu nici tu.Dar ai facut-o.M-ai uitat.Si a durut destul de tare.
As vrea sa pot zice ca te meritam,as vrea sa pot zice ca sunt mai buna ca ea.Dar nu pot.
Nu pot,pentru ca sunt rupta,sunt imprastiata,mi-e frica si ma ascund dupa deget prea mult.Imi amintesc cat de mult te-am facut sa suferi pentru ca nu am fost deschisa.Iarta-ma.Mi-a fost frica.
Stiu ca nu stiai asta.Dar am crescut singura.Am fost singura mereu si mereu totusi cu 50 de mi de persoane in jurul meu,care nu au insemnat nimic.Ai fost singura persoana acre a contat.Pentru care as muri.Pentru care as da totul.Dar stiu ca nu te pot avea inapoi.Te iubesc.Dar stiu ca nu mai conteaza.Pentru ca meriti mai mult.Pentru tandretea ta.Pentru tot ce insemni.Sti ca am sa fiu mereu aici.Sti ca am sa te iubesc mereu.Stiu la fel de bine ca nu te cunosc.Dar stiu si ca nu ma cunosti.Sti.A fost ciudat.Ne-am iubit desi eram straini.
Poate daca ne-am fi ascultat parintii nu am fi ajuns aici. -Niciodata sa nu vorbesti cu strainii -
Dar daca nu vorbesti cu straini ...nu cunosti pe nimeni..
Mhhh Yeah Yeah
There was a time, when you would call me up, and make me sit,
Through the night, and wait for you, because you needed it,
And I would stick around, to comfort you, and take your shit, But that all ends now.
I think you, should take all your stuff now, and go away, I
am sure, you'll find another girl, who wants to play,
All the fucked up games, that you have put me through, Boy that's over now.
Try to concede,
I want you to leave, (oh no no)
No more to say, just go away, (just go away)
Can't you see that I got nothing left for you? (oh, nothing left for you)
For all the pain, and the sleepless nights,
For all the tears, and all the endless fights,
For all the cheating, and all for all the times you, Used me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you. (oh)
For all the times, that you pissed me off, (you pissed me of)
For all the times, you weren't man enough,
For all the times, that you dissed me,yeah,
Forgot me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you. (so fuck you)
There was a time, when just a touch, from you would make me hot,
I would cry with you, and laugh with you, and loved you but,
Now I see, that it was wrong, to put my trust in you, (so it's over)
Try to concede, I want you to leave (oh yeah)
No more to say, just go away (just go away)
Can't you see, that I got nothing left for you? (oh, nothing left for you)
For all the pain, and the sleepless nights, (oh oh)
For all the tears, and all the endless fights, (your just not strong enough)
For all the cheating, and all for all the times you,
Used me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you.
For all the times, that you pissed me off,
For all the times, you weren't man enough,
For all the times, that you dissed me, yeah,
Forgot me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you. (so fuck you, oh, uh hey oh yeah)
For all the pain, and the sleepless nights,
For all the tears, and all the endless fights,
For all the cheating, and all for all the times you, (you did me wrong)
Used me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you.
For all the times, that you pissed me off, (oh,you pissed me of)
For all the times, you weren't man enough, (weren't man enough)
For all the times, that you dissed me, (yeah)
Forgot me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you.
Ohhhhhhh (so fuck you) All the sleepless nights.
Oh oh yeah yeah. For all the pain, and the sleepless nights, (you did me wrong)
For all the tears, and all the endless fights, (oh)
For all the cheating, and all for all the times you,
Used me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you.
For all the times, that you pissed me off, (you pissed me off)
For all the times, you weren't man enough, (weren't man enough)
For all the times, that you dissed me, (yeah)
Forgot me, fell through, weren't true, fuck you. (Fuck you)
Da, fuck you, pentru ca imi lipsesti de prea mult timp si mult prea tare!
E mai mult decat faptul ca toata vara ai fost o parte din mine si o parte din amintirile mele vor fi mereu legate de tine...DE TINE !
Nu vreau sa mai stiu de tine si sa te mai vad in lista de mess pentru ca ma doare faptul ca nici macar nu ma mai bagi in seama ..sau daca o faci..e in sila.
Tu nici nu stii in cate nopti nedormite am strans ura asta suprema pentru sentimentele mele pentru tine , ura pentru tine , dar nu te urasc....te iubesc.
Desi nu vreau , te iubesc. Si acum....
Cat de mult pot sa tin la tine de nu te-am uitat de atat de mult timp?????? enorm dupa cate se vede...
De ce? De ce mi-ai facut asta?? De ce ai venit in viata mea? De ce mi-ai luat fericirea si inima si le-ai pus intr-un sertar la care eu nu ajung? De ce mie? De ce mi-ai zis ca ma iubesti cand nici macar nu stii cat de mult a insemnat pentru mine sa te aud zicand asta? De ce nu realizezi ca inca te simt in mine si ca nu pot sa iti dau drumul? De ce ai plecat din viata mea fara sa imi spui ?De ce mi-ai dat sentimentul de siguranta in bratele tale? De ce nu mai pot sa imi scot din cap imaginea ta? De ce poza cu mine si cu tine in brate in fata apei ma bantuie ? De ce ai pus punct??
Inca mai simt bratul tau in jurul meu.Dar ce rost mai au toate astea?Ce rost au?
Urasc faptul ca mi se indeplinesc dorintele care ma ranesc.Am vrut sa ma uiti.Sa fi cu altcineva.Am crezut ca asa nu o sa mai sufar nici eu nici tu.Dar ai facut-o.M-ai uitat.Si a durut destul de tare.
As vrea sa pot zice ca te meritam,as vrea sa pot zice ca sunt mai buna ca ea.Dar nu pot.
Nu pot,pentru ca sunt rupta,sunt imprastiata,mi-e frica si ma ascund dupa deget prea mult.Imi amintesc cat de mult te-am facut sa suferi pentru ca nu am fost deschisa.Iarta-ma.Mi-a fost frica.
Stiu ca nu stiai asta.Dar am crescut singura.Am fost singura mereu si mereu totusi cu 50 de mi de persoane in jurul meu,care nu au insemnat nimic.Ai fost singura persoana acre a contat.Pentru care as muri.Pentru care as da totul.Dar stiu ca nu te pot avea inapoi.Te iubesc.Dar stiu ca nu mai conteaza.Pentru ca meriti mai mult.Pentru tandretea ta.Pentru tot ce insemni.Sti ca am sa fiu mereu aici.Sti ca am sa te iubesc mereu.Stiu la fel de bine ca nu te cunosc.Dar stiu si ca nu ma cunosti.Sti.A fost ciudat.Ne-am iubit desi eram straini.
Poate daca ne-am fi ascultat parintii nu am fi ajuns aici. -Niciodata sa nu vorbesti cu strainii -
Dar daca nu vorbesti cu straini ...nu cunosti pe nimeni..